4711 Dietrich Rd, Bldg 10 • San Antonio, TX 78219
Office: (210) 224-7736
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of
these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matt 25:40
One of the most important philosophies of the San Antonio Catholic Worker Community is that of personalism. In all aspects of Catholic Worker House life we strive to treat our fellow community members as individuals worthy of our respect, to be thought of as brothers and sisters rather than as strangers for whom we do charity work. We believe that in this way we can struggle together as a community to make our surrounding conditions better.
We are also strongly committed to living a lifestyle of nonviolence. As followers of Christ it is our sincere belief that violence for any reason is unnecessary and detrimental to humanity; there is always another, better solution to any problem that may arise. We see the violence and oppression committed against the poor of our society as directly related to the violence committed against the poor of all nations. In both cases the effects are the same: hunger, homelessness, and death. Instead, we perform works of mercy as a bold witness against such violence.
Because we seek to transform conflicts nonviolently in our everyday lives, we also oppose the use of force in larger conflicts and disputes. Corrupt and evil powers cannot be overcome with force. The use of force only destroys and leads to more problems. Guided by Christ's words in Matthew 5:43-48, we seek to love our enemies as our friends. By expressing compassion and treating others with the respect and dignity in-borne in every person, we seek to move beyond conflict toward a more equitable world where everyone is treated with equal worth.
Simply put, we oppose the use of force to resolve any conflict, whether personal confrontations or international war. From the very beginning of the Catholic Worker Movement, we have sought to end the use of force and violence and to promote peaceful means toward peaceful ends. Catholic Workers have historically stood in opposition to war and conflict in every form around the globe. We work toward the world seen by the prophet in Isaiah 2:4, where swords are beat into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.
Faith-centered Action: "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." Matt 25:40
This is perhaps the most often quoted passage of Scripture in the Catholic Worker Movement. It is by no means the only time that Jesus identifies himself with the poor, however. Nor is it the only time he admonishes us to serve the poor and take their burdens on as our own. We feel called, therefore, to follow his example and live out our faith by placing ourselves among those we serve.
Catholic Worker houses of hospitality the world over seek to fulfill specific needs that their particular communities have. Specifically on the East Side, we see a need for a safe and welcoming space for folks to be fed physically and spiritually. Because Christ identified himself with the marginalized and oppressed, it is in their faces and eyes we most expect to encounter him. Our search for a closer living faith with God calls us to serve Jesus and his family.
For more information on the Catholic Worker Movement, see: www.catholicworker.org.
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