4711 Dietrich Rd, Bldg 10 • San Antonio, TX 78219

Office: (210) 224-7736

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of 

these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Matt 25:40

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In our attempt to build communal ties with various groups of people, our community building takes on a number of forms. These groups are the resident volunteers, outside volunteers, the support community, the families, and the wider San Antonio Community.

Resident Volunteer

For those individuals who wish to experience the volunteer lifestyle for a year or two, there is the option of becoming a resident volunteer. Resident volunteers dedicate a minimum of 6 months to 2 years as a full-time volunteer. The resident volunteers are the ones who keep everything running and are in charge of all day-to-day operations.

Resident volunteers all share common living space at Faith House. They participate in and oversee the physical work at the Catholic Worker House. Because they live and work together as a team, it is important that they communicate with one another, share common recreational activities and meet regularly to discuss business and philosophy.

Day Volunteers

Many volunteers commit themselves to help out on on specific day each week which gives them a good opportunity to be a part of what goes on in the Catholic Worker Community without having to live the lifestyle of a resident volunteer.

Support Community

The support community is a group of San Antonians who commit to using their individual gifts and talents to meeting the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the resident volunteers and House Coordinator. The support community meets monthly to find out about these needs and plays a big part in the welcoming and orienting of new volunteers, as well as hosting a celebration/congratulations at the end of their time of service. In addition, the support community members acquire donations for specific needs that arise and who serve as a think-tank to offer creative advice to the volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a resident volunteer, please give us a call at: (210) 224-7736 (you can leave a message if no one answers).

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