4711 Dietrich Rd, Bldg 10 • San Antonio, TX 78219
Office: (210) 224-7736
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of
these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matt 25:40
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credit card, click button below.
You can make check to
San Antonio Catholic Worker
and mailed to:
626 Nolan • San Antonio, TX 78202
2022 has really flown by! CWH is still alive and well and serving 3 meals per day to about 120 guests in strong partnership with Traveling Loaves and Fishes (St. Marks the Evangelist). TLF has been coming to CWH faithfully every weekday without fail...for the past 12 years!!! ...always bearing gifts of food for breakfasts and lunches and then they also serve hot suppers under the bridge. We are also so appreciative of our ongoing donors and providers of meals (Augie's BBQ, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, HEB, San Antonio Academy, and many others).
Also, thanks to Mary, Marilyn, Dee (SACWH Founder), Leslie and Darci who continue to cook side dishes every week for us so that our guests have a well-rounded meal with lots of healthy veggies. And many thanks to long standing resident volunteers, Robert (7y), Anthony (5y), Neito (~4y), and Ruben (~4y) and our everyday volunteers...Mary (5y) and John Paul (1+y) ....Vonnie, Marilyn, Claudia, and Mitchel two day/wk. This year, due to an out of state donor, we have been able to provide some dental care scholarships.
We are deeply grateful for our partners and for our long-time supporters. We couldn't continue to serve without your help! volunteers, and many others who come in for one day each week: Sr Nora, Sr Theresa and Sr Lam, Steve, Hector, Winston, Faith, Anna, and Kevin. Thanks to our ongoing supply donors, especially Donna and Brett who bear many needed supplies every week!!! And many thanks just yesterday, for the HUGE donations from Our Lady of Perpetual Help....a truck full of all much-needed items.... blankets, socks, underwear, t-shirts, shampoo, toothbrushes / paste, deodorant....and much more!!!
The OLPH Knights also brought us another truck full of jackets and blankets...so we are really ready for cold weather!!!! We finally were able to re-open re-opened our dining hall after almost 2 years closed due to COVID restrictions...we are showing on our movie screen. We also are still providing hygiene supplies (and still need those hotel sized items), underwear, socks, gloves, jackets and blankets, free laundry service and we are the “post office” for about 2000 guests who otherwise have no address.
New this year, due to an out-of-state donor, we have been able to provide some dental care scholarships. We are deeply grateful for our partners and for our long-time supporters. We couldn't continue to serve without your help!
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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