626 Nolan • San Antonio, TX 78202 Office: (210) 224-7736

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of 

these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Matt 25:40

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How We Operate

Our primary purpose is to offer "hospitality of the heart" (according to Matthew 25) to homeless seniors age 50+ who are homeless, poor, lost, and/or marginalized for any reason.

We strive to provide a friendly, cozy day-home and courtyard to anyone in need of a safe haven to rest, enjoy a meal, engage in conversation, garden, do laundry, watch a movie, play a board game, obtain travel size hygiene supplies, receive postal mail, and make/send and receive phone calls or email messages.

We also have free WIFI. We provide these services from 8 AM until 1 PM Monday thru Thursday. On Friday, we provide limited services in the courtyard (breakfast, lunch, WIFI) and a safe haven to rest from 9 AM until 10:30 AM. All staff are volunteers.

None have professional training in social work, mental health services or rehabilitation. We hope that we can be transformational simply by offering love, dignity, respect and the basic necessities of life ... and then let God empower other professional ministers to take His work from there.

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